Sunday 5 February 2023

case study adverts

 My case study adverts:

Taco Bell TV advert:

1) The product of this advert is for Taco Bell. The product in the advert shows us how the food is cheap for $2 also it arrives quickly if you ask to deliver it. In the first 10 seconds of the advert we are able to see how it starts off by them ordering Taco Bell, it shows us how fun and tasty it is also to make. It also shows us how tasty it is and how addictive it is. This advert was released in 2022 on the 25 of December. The advert would be displayed on the TV and it would attract customers since it's shows us multiple times that the food is cheap. This advert is on YouTube on the official Taco Bell account. I embedded the advert as you can see. The advert was for mainly America since the currency is in dollars.

Taco Bell print advert:

2) The product for this advert is from the Taco Bell UK campaign. This advert is from 2022 and 2023 on their official website. This will attract customers since it says 99p and it'll be cheap.  You would see this advert displayed in the Taco Bell shop, as posters (print adverts) on the wall also it'll be on the official website. This advert is very eye-catching also, since there is plenty of different items shown of there, showing the product and what to expect from it. I found the advert on Taco Bell official UK website. .This advert is found worldwide mainly for the UK. I found this advert on the Taco Bell official website.

Ariana Grande video advert:

3) The product for this advert is Ariana Grande's perfume Thank, U Next. This advert includes loads of different celebrities to promote the advert. The celebrities explain how the perform smells and how it's really good to use at 0:00 - 0:53. This advert was released in 2019 on September 19. The advert would be displayed on the TV and on YouTube. It would attract more customers because in the background it has Ariana Grande's hit song Thank U Next in the background. This advert is on YouTube on the official Ariana Grande account. I embedded the advert as you can see. This advert was mainly for the worldwide.

Ariana Grande print advert:

4) The product for this advert is from Ariana Grandes thank u, next campaign. This advert is from 2019 during the pre orders for the perfume. Fan's were able to see a new concept and how the perfume looks from Ariana Grande. Also with Ariana Grande being the centre of the poster, it also shows woman power especially since when it's coming from this time, 2019 where females are coming out to tell everyone that they are able to do anything. How they are powerful also. You would see this advert displayed in shops, as posters (print adverts) on the wall. It'll also be on magazines to advertise the perfume from the poster work. I found the advert on amazon. This advert is found worldwide. I found this advert on amazon UK.

Aims of my case study adverts:

Taco Bell TV advert:

1) The aim for the Taco Bell television advert, is to show us how addictive it is to eat and since they're introducing a new product to the market. When both of the guys in the advert are eating the taco's it shows us how delicious it is for the audience and makes the audience want to try it. It shows us at 0:15 - 0:20 in the advert it shows us how it may be eye-catching for the audience to eat. it's something different, which shown in the advert as tasty also fast to get and make shown in the first 10 seconds of the ads. Also in The advert achieves it's aims to introduce a new product to people by making many different ways to show case it.

Taco Bell print advert:

2) The aim of the print advert for Taco Bell is to show people that there are cheap stuff on the menu. In the print ad for Taco Bell we are able to see how it says 99p really big. This would create awareness for people and increase sells, since they'll buy it and think that it's cheap and delicious. It's affordable for many different people, so they'll want to try it. Also it's different types of people, which no one has only tried only if the audience has been to Taco Bell. It achieves it's aim since it's eye catching for the audience since it promotes many different types of food on their menu.

Ariana Grande video advert:

3) The aim for the advert of the Ariana Grande Thank U, Next perfume is to show how introduces a new product on the market. A perfume which has a smell just like Ariana Grande. In the advert we can see many celebrities promoting the product and saying how good it is during 0:00 - 0:53. Also Ariana Grande saying her iconic line "Thank U, Next" would be stuck in the audiences head since it's something different to hear. This would attract customers since if there is loads of different celebrities promoting a product then their fans would want to buy the product. This means that the product has successfully reached its aims, putting a new product on the market and also the sell's of the product increasing rapidly.

Ariana Grande print advert:

4) The aim for the poster advert of Ariana Grande's Thank U, Next perfume is to create awareness of the product. The poster has a large picture of Ariana Grande on it with her perfume so it'll attract customers since she's well known and she has realised many other perfumes beforehand so many people would want to try it and give it a go. The perfume is also inspired by her music video which was a big hit with over 1 billion streams on Spotify. The advert achieves its aim since it'll be posters put up everywhere. It'll be very well known and since is Ariana Grande herself and she has a huge fanbase already. 

Target Audience of my case study adverts:

Taco Bell TV advert:

1 ) The target audience of Taco Bell is between 18-34 year olds. Young adults are the main target audience since they would be willing to try out new things to do with food, and come out of their comfort zone. As we can see on 0:03 the two guys order on their phones which, shows us that it isn't for the younger audience since the younger audience do not have a phone neither a card where they can order food from. In the advert we can see that there is two young adults trying Taco Bell. Taco Bell is for diverse people since they'll always have something for someone who wants to try it. This will catch people's eyes since they will be able to see they enjoy it so they would also want to try it and enjoy it. Also since it's quick to order, so they'll want to order it.

Taco Bell print advert:

2) The target audience of Taco Bell is between 18-34 year olds. Young adults are the main target audience since they would be willing to try out new things to do with food, and come out of their comfort zone. In the ring ad we are able to see different foods, since the target audience is for young adults since the younger audience and older audience are quite fussy to try different foods, so it's perfect for the younger adults audience. This print ad would attract to the audience since they're able to see how the food would look like since it's significantly seen in this poster ad. The ad would appeal to the audience and catch their eye since they will be able to know what products they could try.

Ariana Grande video advert:

3) The target audience for Ariana Grande's perfume Thank U, Next is her fans. This is also for strong, young woman to show their power and independence as females. In the advert we can see how she's making her own perfume during 0:54 - 1:08. This tell's us that us females can do anything and we don't have to rely on anyone. This ad is showing us that females can do anything, which this would be aimed at a younger audience 16 - 25 since they'll be able to make a change and show people that woman can do anything. Also this would also be aimed for her fan base since she's a pop singer. This ad would appeal to the audience since it would embrace woman power and the sent as well would be related back to positive confidence and self assured attitude. 

Ariana Grande print advert:

4) The target audience for Ariana Grande's perfume Thank U, Next is her fans. This is also for strong, young woman to show their power and independence as females. As we can see on the background of the poster we can see that it's pink. Pink is a very eye catching colour (stereotypically for "females") this means that many people would get attracted by the poster and be interested in what the advert would be about. The advert would be aimed at 16 - 25 females since the colour scheme is mainly pink, also it's aimed for her fan base also since she's a pop singer and the perfume is mainly based from her music video "Thank U, Next". The ad appeals to the audience since the colour pink is everywhere in the poster ad and it's very eye catching. You can spot the poster anywhere.

Key message of my case study adverts:

Taco Bell TV advert:
1) They key message of this product is that Taco Bell comes out with unique stuff different to other food products and willing to bring them out for people to buy. In the advert 0:03 - 0:23 we can see how the product is different and that everyone needs to try something different because you never know it may taste good. The advert also shows how with one click you are able to get some delicious mouth watering food which would be different to try. This means that they'd have a unique selling point since it's something not out in the market yet.  In the advert we can see the way it's being eaten showing us that it's tasty and brings happy emotions. This would increase sells and it'd have a unique selling point and also it'd bring emotions.

Taco Bell print advert:

2) They key message of this product is that Taco Bell comes out with unique stuff different to other food products and willing to bring them out for people to buy. In the advert with all the food scattered everywhere shows us how there is many options to choose from and there is always something for everyone which would be appealing for many people. This means that they'd have a unique selling point since there is many products on the menu to choose from. In the poster ad we are able to see how there are any different products out to try from Taco Bell. This will increase sells since it'll be unique items on their menu.

Ariana Grande video advert:

3) The key message of the Ariana Grande perfume Thank U, Next is that it has a unique selling point. The perfume is something different that it'll bring to the table with a unique smell. In the advert we can see that "Ariana Grande put her hair in the perfume" during 0:54 - 0:56 however that never really happened since it is just to show how the perfume is unique and different. Although Ariana Grande has many different perfumes this would be something different also the message behind the perfume is also the key message of the advert of woman empowerment would help increase sells, and how it's different from everything brought out already. This would add more people to buy it since it would have a unique selling point.

Ariana Grande print advert:

4) The key message of the Ariana Grande perfume Thank U, Next is that it has a unique selling point. The perfume is something different that it'll bring to the table with a unique smell. As we can see on the poster it's plain but also has many different unique things going on. Lot's of pink which many perfumes don't have. Normally they are a dull colour or a dark colour to match nudity. In the advert we are able to see how also the key message how the advert is pink showing woman empowerment would also embed with how the whole product would sell, which shows us how unique and different the perfume is and it's nothing like what is on the market. Therefore many people would buy it since it has a unique selling point and is different to many other products out in the market.

Approach of my case study adverts:

Taco Bell TV advert:
1)  The point of this advert of the Taco Bell is to show empathy. As we can see in the product two dudes sharing and eating Taco Bell. During 0:15 - 0:19 they're both sharing emotions on how it tastes and how they feel about the product. They show us how the product makes them happy. This would influence the audience on to get the product since, they'd want to feel what the people in the advert is eating. Therefore this approach would attract the audience since they may be able to share the same empathy as the people in the ad. The advert's approach is to influence the audience to get the product which would manipulate them from seeing the two guy eating.

Taco Bell print advert:

2) The point of this advert of the Taco Bell is to show empathy. As we can see in the poster ad there are many different products and that is tend to shock people and make them feel happy. Wanting to try out new products and test them out. This would also take in hand in hand of what the product's target audience is and how it'll be suitable for many people of the young adults audience to get the product. Therefore the approach would attract the audience since they can share empathy for the ad.

Ariana Grande video advert:

3) The point of this advert of Ariana Grande's perfume is to show that it's a celebrities product. During 0:00 - 0:50 we are able to see many celebrities showing off the product and explaining how good it is and why it is unique to get. This would be good since it'll attract more customers of different fanbases. Using many different celebrities would is a good approach since many different fan's will be interested for the product (this fall's hand in hand with the target audience since they'll be many different audiences targeted) which means that the product would increase sells.

Ariana Grande print advert:

4) The point of this advert of Ariana Grande's perfume is to show that it's her product and she's a well-known star so people should trust her with her product. In the poster advert we can see Ariana Grande is on there this means that it'll attract more customers since she's on their and it's her product. It's a good approach since it'll be able to call her fanbase making them wanting to get it. Since her fanbase is white target and loads of people know her globally. This approach is a good marketing way to attract more customers since the poster would be very eye-catching.

Representation in my case study adverts:

Taco Bell TV advert:
1)  In the advert we can see that the taco's are very different and represents many different ethnic groups. For an example the product is chicken burritos with salsa sauce. During the first 10 seconds of the advert we are able to get an idea on what to expect from the product which is eye-catching to the audience since it's a different thing to expect. In the advert for Taco Bell we are able to see a white guy and black guy eating the food, which means that all ethnicity are welcome to be trying the food. It's for anyone since, it's something new to try.  This shows us that it's ethnic and something many people won't have with these flavours. With this representation the audience is able to assume that there is many different products out there with different representations of different ethic groups with a wide variety of them. The representation helps the product sell since it's different, and it helps the ethnic food become more known if it isn't known already.

Taco Bell print advert:

2)  In the advert we can see that the taco's are very different and represents many different ethnic groups. We are able to see on the ad that there are many different food's to try, with many things from different ethic backgrounds. With the representation of different ethnic groups people are able to know that the menu would have a wide range of items to try from. With representations the audience is able to find study that they wouldn't ever think they'd like actually like them. This means that people are able to explore with their taste buds and get a taste of different ethical backgrounds. The representation helps the product sell since many different ethic people may come along and get the product, or people who aren't part of that ethic group may want to try it.

Ariana Grande video advert:

3) In the Ariana grande advert we are able to see that the representation is for female power and how women are able to do anything. In the advert we can see how Ariana Grande makes the perfume herself showcasing that us woman can do anything if we can put our minds to it. During 0:54 - 1:02 will inspire many of the audience's since they'll know that females are capable of anything no matter the ethnic, age, gender people are able to do anything they want if they put their minds to it. The representation helps the product sell since many females would be like wow I can do that, and the scent may bring.

Ariana Grande print advert:

4) In the Ariana grande advert we are able to see that the representation is for female power and how women are able to do anything. In the advert we can see how Ariana Grande is the main person in the advert. Showing us that we can make anything (us females). Using this representation help's us know that no matter how we also look we're perfect no matter what. We should know how to love ourselves because self-love is the one thing we cannot live without. The representation helps many girls wanting the product, because they can relate on what the perfume is about. With this representation many people (especially young girls) would purchase the perfume.

Campaign logistics for my case study adverts:

Taco Bell TV advert:
1) This advert would be on the television, mainly on food channels as their ad. The reason for this is because the advert is about food, and it shows us how it looks and how tasty it is. During 0:03 we are able to see how you are able to order the food which means that the food is easy to accesses and to purchase. This means that the advert would also be on phones (YouTube an app on the phone), which would cause people wanting to uncasing it since it'll most likely see it in their free time. May lead to people wanting to get it since they're watching food so it'll be eye-catching. This would be on the local TV channel since it'll only be out in certain areas, not worldwide yet. However it will miss out many people because not everyone will watch tv these days.

Taco Bell print advert:

2) This advert would be put up in the official Taco Bell stores or on their official website. This is reasonable since the advert is Taco Bell. However the advert wouldn't get many people since it's showcased probably only in Taco Bell based areas. To discover more audience they need to put it in many different places. Although that may be a disadvantage the poster is very eye-catching which would make many audience's wanting to buy food from there and try many different items on there.

Ariana Grande video advert:

3) This advert would be on the television, and also as YouTube ads. This is because it'd reach many people, since on YouTube can tell who likes Ariana Grande and are able to put her perfume as the advert. Also in the advert we can see how there are many different celebrities which means that the advert would be calling many different fanbases to come and look into this advert. However it'd still miss out many people and not reach a lot of audience as its full potential. This is because the advert will just be on YouTube, although YouTube is worldwide and would reach many people it'd be good if it was on the TV as adverts then it'll also attract more of an audience and gain more popularity sine you won't be able to skip the advert. It's also shortened as a TV advert then it would be for national TV channels since it'll be out everywhere worldwide.

Ariana Grande print advert:

4) This advert would be put up in perfume stores (or places that sell perfumes). It would be brought in the time it has got released, the reason for the placements is since the product is a perfume so it'd suit to be placed in a perfume shop. That is good, since people are able to see the perfume and ask the perfume shop to smell the perfume and maybe impulsively purchase the product. It wouldn't be in many places which means that the audience wouldn't reach it's full potential. This wouldn't be that good since the perfume advert should be put in variety of different places to gain different types of audiences.

Choice of Media for my case study adverts:

Taco Bell TV advert:
1) The type of advert for this Taco Bell advert is a TV advert. This uses the correct medium by making it fun, and it shines out from other ad's during the showcase time. The advert is easy to understand and it's easy for many different kind of audience's to get an understanding of the advert. The purpose of the advert, is to attract loads of different ethic groups to try different types of foods. This is suitable for this kind of media since it's simple straight forward. The message gets out their easily for the advert.

Taco Bell print advert:

2) The type of advert for this Taco Bell advert is a print based. This uses the correct medium since it'll be a very eye catching poster. You are able to spot it from anywhere. This advert is simple and help's many different types of audiences to understand what kind of items to buy and it's a suitable media product. The purpose for this advert is to attract more customers no matter what race nor gender to try something new to taste. This is suitable for this kind of media because it's clear and has a straight idea on how much everything will cost.

Ariana Grande video advert:

3) The type of advert for this Ariana Grande Perfume advert is a TV advert. This uses the correct medium since it'll be very unique since many celebrities are there and its new to the market place. Some different perfume from Ariana Grande's line, so it'll stand out. The purpose for this advert is to how girls express themselves in many different ways, which helps the product get more sells, since they use unique ways to interrupted it. This is suitable for this kind of media since it's unique and will standout from other adverts on the market.

Ariana Grande print advert:

4) The type of advert for this Ariana Grande Perfume advert is a print based. This uses the correct medium  since it's very eye-catching and has the same colour scheme so people will be able to notice it quite easily. This is suitable for this kind of media since it has a straightforward message on what's the perfume is about. The purpose of this advert is to attract Ariana Grande Stan's to this product since she's on the poster. This means that its attract many different types of audiences since they're able to show a vision on what the whole perfume is about. 

Call to action for my case study adverts:

Taco Bell TV advert:
1) The advert's possible mechanism for Taco Bell is social media. The advert's possible reaction may be shock. This is because the advert looks very tasty so people may be interested into trying the product. Therefore people would go on social media and go search it up and want to get some. Taco Bell using their social media to help them gain customers since they'll be more products there. This causes more wanting to try their products. Then people to purchase their products. The reaction will be appropriate since it'll increase sells, since the advert shows these 2 people eating it so they'll want it.

Taco Bell print advert:

2) The advert's possible mechanism for Taco Bell is social media. The advert's possible reaction may be wanting to find out more. Since the poster is eye catching with the colour scheme of purple and many of their dishes. People would go on social media to see peoples reviews on the product and want to try it since it seems good. Therefore the reactions will be appropriate since loads of people would want to try it, since more views about what the product is.

Ariana Grande video advert:

3) The advert's possible mechanism for the Ariana Grande perfume is Social media. As we can see in the advert Ariana Grande putting her hair in the perfume. This will make fan's go crazy (posting it on social media) wanting to purchase the perfume since they'll get an idea on the story behind this perfume. This would be an appropriate reaction since Ariana put this in on her advert on purpose to attract more people. The advert's possible reaction is to go out and buy the product. Since fan's will go crazy, they'll purchase the perfume. They get a reaction out of everyone from the clip of Ariana cutting her ponytail and put it into the perfume to get more people to get her perfume. 

Ariana Grande print advert:

4) The advert's possible mechanism for the Ariana Grande perfume is also social media again. The advert's possible expected reactions is to go out and find more information. Since people are able to see the perfume ad when they go out when they see it they would be shocked to see it and would go on social media to find more information about the product and see what it's all about. Since the ad is eye catching and has Ariana Grande on it. The reaction will be appropriate since if more people find more information about the product there is a possibility that the product sells will increase.

Legal and Ethical issues for my case study adverts:

Taco Bell TV advert:
1) One legal and ethical issue is Copyright. This is because in the background we can hear a song in the background, we need to make sure we own the rights to the song otherwise it'll get copyrighted. You can manage it by asking for permission for the audio and make sure it's not copied. Another legal and ethical issue is public interest. We need to make sure it's on the correct place to be aired otherwise would have bad reviews on it. Can be managed by checking if it's suitable for each channel for ads.

Taco Bell print advert:
2) One legal and ethical issue is intellectual property rights. This is because we can see that the advert has products on there. We need to make sure the products are something new and hasn't bring brought out before. To overcome it you can put out a different product, that hasn't been brought out from the market yet. Another legal and ethical issue is demographics making sure everything is suitable for the right audience and is able to reach the standard of the audience. 

Ariana Grande video advert:
3) One legal and ethical issue is Copyright. Since in the advert we can hear the song Thank you, next although it's her song we just make sure it follows all the rights to make sure it's not copyrighted. You can manage it by asking for permission for the audio and make sure it's not copied. Another legal and ethical issue is permission to film. We need to make sure that everything we have filmed is apprioate and not copied from anywhere else.

Ariana Grande print advert:
4) One legal and ethical issue is intellectual property rights. This is because we need to make sure that the product is something new and it's different. To overcome it you can put out a different product, that hasn't been brought out from the market yet. Another legal and ethical issue is demographics making sure everything is suitable for the right audience and is able to reach the standard of the audience. 
Regulation issues for my case study adverts:

Taco Bell TV advert:
1) This Taco Bell advert follows all of ASA's guideline, copyright, legal, decent, honest and truth about what the product is about. The music in the adverts isn't copyrighted which it follows the guidelines on everything. It follows the Performing Right Society for Music (PRS).

Taco Bell print advert:
2) This Taco Bell print advert follows all of ISPO's guideline, which covers aspects of newspapers and magazine this helps find a suitable magazine where the print advertisement will be placed. This would attract more customers as IPSO has checked it and has found an appropriate magazine to put it in. This would be successful for the behalf of Taco Bell since they'll get more of an audience. 

Ariana Grande video advert:
3) This Ariana Grande perfume advert follows all of ASA's guideline, copyright, legal, decent, honest and truth about what the product is about. The music in the advert isn't copyrighted which follows the guidelines, since it's owned by the creators of the adverts. It follows the Performing Right Society for Music (PRS). 

Ariana Grande print advert:
4) This Ariana Grande print perfume advert follows all of ASA's guideline, copyright, legal, decent, honest and truth about what the product is about. The advert has the honest truth about the advert on what's is about and the product is everything that it says to be. 

changes I have made in my final adverts

  As many of the problems related to my TV adverts were issues that could easily be resolved from the feedback that had been given to me pri...