Saturday 3 June 2023

Final Pitch For Final Idea Video


Final Pitch For Final Idea Video

The video shown above is my final pitch for my TV & radio advert that I will be making. At the end of the video, there were several inquiries given to me by shareholders about certain aspects. Here they are:

  • What is your backup plan if your ideas do not work out?

If my initial idea doesn't work, I would use my idea for idea 1 or 3 because they are based in a different location to my current idea that I am going with like for example the park. The locations for the other ideas are near to the school (which is my initial idea) meaning that I would be able to quickly change, if something were to go wrong. Furthermore, they have a similar baseline to the other ideas so there will not need to be a lot of preparation done if said scenario does occur.

  • Why have you used a seductive voice in the radio advert?

The reason for why I have used a seductive voice is because in the old Cadbury dairy milk adverts there was a bunny which already had a seductive voice and I want to bring back the seductive voice in this advert as well, to bring back nostalgia and memories to the audience/buyers that have purchased prior to my advert. This seductive voice will make them feel like they’re in their childhoods again when they are coming back from work after 5:00pm which entices them to want to buy the chocolate for this nostalgic feeling. Although children may see the advert with the seductive voice, they won’t be able to tell that the voice is in fact seductive but this is based on whether I am able to find a suitable seductive voice for the bunny.

  • You said that you have chosen the school for filming your advert, why did you choose the school in particular and not somewhere else?

The reason why I have chosen the school in particular for my filming choice of my advert is because of the accessibility of necessities that we have and most of all it will be much easier for my actors that are part of the radio advert, to meet up in our free time, break time, etc. Also because the environment is a school, the target audience will be able to relate to it and by seeing the people in the advert eating the chocolate in school, it will make them want to follow along. This would drastically increase the amount of sales of the chocolate bar among 16-24 year olds and heavily on school/university children.

  • Why did you choose Cadbury caramel chocolate?

I chose this specific chocolate because I am an avid fan of this chocolate and it reminds me of my childhood since I used to eat it a lot when I was younger. There are also many different varieties of this chocolate like in an egg form or even ice cream form, this will make it much easier for me to advertise it and show it off in the advert.

  • Why did you choose those adverts that you did in the presentation, how are you going to base that on your advert?

The reason for why I have chosen the three adverts in my presentation is because the music used in those adverts is something I would also use in my advert as well. Furthermore, the way they have laid out the advert will be something similar to what I will be making my TV advert look like but I will add my own little tweaks to embark my signature on it. I really enjoyed the adverts that I had chosen especially the one with the woman eating the chocolate seductively, which is one of the main reasons as to why I wanted to use a seductive bunny voice in mine as I feel as it would make the audience want to to go out and buy the chocolate.

  • Could you mention your target audience and the goals you set to target that type of audience?

My target audience mainly consists of young adults who go to school, university or work which is one of the reasons as to why I had set my production location at school because it will relate to them once being in that position, enticing them to wanting to buy the chocolate bar.

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