Friday 26 May 2023

TV advertising

TV Advertising



Techniques & Applications


In the Coraline trailer we can see that there is a obvious message which is identified. The message is that Coraline the girl goes a finds another world with another family. However the trailer doesn't show how her parents are the key to the other world. This s where the message comes from. Family is irreplaceable.


In Shrek we can see how there is a huge adventure that Shrek and Donkey have to go through. The key message is hidden and is subtly implied. By doing this, this allows people to be intrigued by the film and wanting to watch more/wanting to know what will happen next in the film.

Emotional responses or association


In the trailer we can see that there is a lot of emotion showing from the main character. As this is shown in the trailer as we can also see how that emotion reflects onto the audience. Feeling distressed, mad and sad. This helps the audience be intrigued on what going to happen wanting to watch more. This displays emotions and how it's ok to feel emotions no matter what's happening,


The trailer has something that many films don't have. This is the unique selling point. This trailer having many different adventures help the audience want to know what will happen next. Did they get the princess safe? What happens afterwards? This trailer can also be relatable, since people have to do stuff (go on a adventure) to get things. This mission will be something people can relate to. When people watch this film they get to understand that anything is possible. Be yourself and you will get positivity. 

changes I have made in my final adverts

  As many of the problems related to my TV adverts were issues that could easily be resolved from the feedback that had been given to me pri...