Wednesday 29 March 2023

History of chosen product

 History of Cadbury Caramel Chocolate:

The product I've chosen is Cadbury Caramel chocolate. This product is a dairy milk chocolate with caramel inside. I've choose this advert since it has a lot of history behind it. The product was first launched in 1972. Making it one of Cadbury's most popular products with a big success rate since it's easy to eat the packaging is luxury and it can be eaten on the go. The chocolate Cadbury caramel has a purple and yellow colour way. The top part of the packaging is royal purple, and the bottom half is bright yellow. There's also bold white font on the front of the cover that says dairy milk and cursive purple writing which says caramel. The slogan is Cadbury caramel has a particular slogan which is that there's a "Still got it". In this advert for Cadbury caramel was 16 years ago. This shows that this chocolate has been around for over a decade, and it's still loved by majority of people. However, this advert is no longer on tv as Cadbury has realised a lot more flavours that the younger generation prefer. Although the older generation mainly like this chocolate.

Tuesday 21 March 2023

initial idea for TV advertisement

Idea number:    1

storyline: The Cadbury's Chocolate will be relaunching their dairy milk caramel. With that we can add the old caramel bunny to be able to show that the whole old concept is back. Since the caramel bunny hasn't been shown in years the older generation would be interested in the chocolate since it'll bring back nostalgia from their childhoods when they used to eat it. The caramel bunny would be welcoming the old chocolate bar saying it's back. The chocolate tastes better than ever with the original formula. The bunny would be talking to an older audience of animals (showing how the audience has grown up) whilst representing the chocolate, using her old tactics flirting, but not too much so that the younger generations would be included. It would be 30 seconds long so it'll be short and easy to follow. The chocolate would be for a limited time only. This means that more of an audience would want to purchase the product since it'll only be out once and for a limited time only.

Representation: In the advert they will be a lot of representation. Firstly we would represent woman first. Since the bunny would represent the woman's we can show how the bunny doesn't need any of the guy's validation and they can do whatever they like. They are really powerful just as equally as men. Also we can show how each animal is different ethnicity which means that every ethnicity would enjoy the chocolate no matter what.  

Conventions - TV ad: This advert would be in cartoon theme and would have the old easter bunny design. It'll look old like the older easter bunny adverts. It would be eye-catching since other advert's wouldn't look old and wouldn't have this specific design. The audio would be similar to the old character's audios. The music in the background wouldn't be copyrighted since the old music would be used from the old adverts. The slogan would be in the advert also with visuals.

Conventions - Radio ad:  This advert would be in voice over audio. It would have a similar voice of  the old easter bunny which would catch the audience's attention. Also it would have the old music added, from the old adverts. It wouldn't be copyrighted since they'll be using their old adverts as a help to their new adverts. Their old adverts would be a base on what to expect. It'll also include dialogue on what's going on.

Key Message and Approach: The key message to show that no matter the age the chocolate would taste great. Also to push the benefits of the Dairy Milk Caramel chocolate.

Slogan: The slogan would be "sweeter the better" since it'll be sweet to bring back childhood memories. It'll be said by the actors of the advert.

Call to Action: The adverts response mechanism is social media as they'll be a hashtag at the end of the advert. #sweeterthebetter . The expected reaction would be to go out and buy the chocolate.

Link between the two adverts (campaign) : Both of the advert's the television advert and the radio advert would both use the same voice actors and also would have a narrator talking.

Idea number:      2

storyline:  The Cadbury's chocolate would be relaunching their dairy milk caramel. They'll be a group of people talking about the chocolate advert and they'll be explaining how tasty the chocolate would be and how it brings back memories. One person doesn't know what they're talking about and then they explain and the other person get' addicted to the chocolate. At the end of the advert it would show how the chocolate is also for a limited time only which would make a load of the audience wanted to purchase the chocolate bar. Also it'll say how the original formula back, which would call much of the older generation to go out and purchase the chocolate.

Representation: Help's represent friendships and different types of people in a friendship. (Also how people act so the audience are able to relate back to the characters.)

Conventions - TV ad: In the advert they'll be a logo, slogan, voiceover, music, visuals, narrative and dialogue.

Conventions - Radio ad: In the advert they'll be voiceover, music and dialogue. 

Key Message and Approach: The advert would have the approach to be about friendships. Also to push the benefits of the Dairy Milk Caramel chocolate.

Slogan: The slogan would be "sweeter the better" since it'll be sweet to bring back childhood memories. It'll be said by the actors of the advert.

Call to Action: The adverts response mechanism is social media as they'll be a hashtag at the end of the advert. #sweeterthebetter . The expected reaction would be to go out and buy the chocolate.

Link between the two adverts (campaign) : In the advert both of them would include the same actors talking and the narrator explains what is going on in the advert.

Idea number:         3

storyline: The Cadbury's chocolate would be relaunching their dairy milk caramel. In the advert they'll be a pretty model eating the dairy milk caramel chocolate bar with a voiceover describing it. They'll be slow-mo on the woman.  This would bring many audience's since it'll be different from any of the other ad's. The woman would also have the voice over voice of the old bunny's voice.

Representation: This represents how advert's makes eating food look seductive. (This would cause the audience wanting to buy the chocolate to be able to know what's the hype about the chocolate.)

Conventions - TV ad: In the advert they'll be a logo, slogan, voiceover, music and dialogue.

Conventions - Radio ad: In the advert they'll be voiceover, music and dialogue.

Key Message and Approach: The key message is to promote the chocolate bar and push the benefits of it. Also to promote the attractive of Dairy Milk Caramel.

Slogan: The slogan would be "sweeter the better" since it'll be sweet to bring back childhood memories. It'll be said by the actors of the advert.

Call to Action: The adverts response mechanism is social media as they'll be a hashtag at the end of the advert. #sweeterthebetter . The expected reaction would be to go out and buy the chocolate.

Link between the two adverts (campaign) : The tv advert and the radio advert would both include the same voice over actor to describe how delicious the chocolate bar is.

Response to the client brief

 Response to the client brief.


The demographics of my Cadbury Caramel chocolate advertising campaign includes young people  who are between 10 - 30 years old. This is because Cadbury Caramel chocolate are simple, and will being an audience from the older generation to come and taste it. It's a simple not an overwhelming taste it's a  simple and is used to make many recipes. This will appeal to the target audience  since it's an easy snack for on the go. This is strongly appealed to people in the ages 15 - 25 since they have grew up with the chcoclate so they'll want to go and purchase it. However the audience may not appeal the younger audience since they'll not know what this chocolate is since they haven't grown up with it. If the Cadbury Caramel bunny is back then the bunny wouldn't appeal the younger audience. However the taste of the chocolate may appeal to them, because it gives a pop to the taste buds. Another disadvantage for the younger audience the adults may not want to purchase the chocolate so that they might be cutting down sugar and sweets from their young child's diet. Also the older audience may have grown out of the chocolate phase and may not be appealed to it. 


The conventions of the TV which I will include:

  • the logo of the brand - To show what the product is what I'm advertising
  • music - Help emphasis stuff, also make the advert not boring to make it stand out. 
  • voiceover - Know what's going on in the advert 
  • visuals

The convention of the  Radio which I will include:

  • voiceover - Know what's going on in the advert
  • music - Help emphasis stuff, also make the advert not boring to make it stand out.

Industry requirements:

- making an 30 second television advertisement 
- making an original radio advertisement 
- considering the market and it's target audience 
- considering legal ad ethical constraints 
- correctly using conventions of the genre
- using copyright free music/audio

My prior experience in using the DSLR canon camera which will help me taking pictures and filming for my advertisement. However there are some weaknesses within my skill of producing an advertisement, but I can learn and develop from the campaign and create a good quality advert as best as my ability.


The mediums of my advertising campaigns are TV advertisement, radio advertisement and print. The TV and radio will have a 30 second duration of what the product is and how it'll be presented. The genre of my advert would be adventure as the product shows no matter where you are you can always eat the chocolate.

Explanation of your prior experience of the learning around similar products

 Explanation of your prior experience of and learning around similar products

Despite not having made a tv show or radio product in the past, I have studied other adverts from the chocolate industry. However, I do have experience in editing YouTube videos, Instagram edits and lots of others. I know how to use after effects however since we will use final cut pro, I may not be as good at is as I am with after effects. This editing will help me how to create a TV advert or radio advert. This is because I have an understanding on what's going on in the editing filed. However with equipment, I do not have that much experience with it, or dealing with it. But the past few weeks I've been learning how to use the camera, this will help me when we record our film since I'll know the basics on how to film and record.

A few things I will learn from this course is:
  • Leaning how to use equipment 
  • Learning how to use the software
  • Learning what it takes to make an advert an advert
  • Learning how to attract a specific target audience for the advert
  • Learning how to attract a specific target audience for the audience 
  • Learning about what key skills are needed to create a good advert

changes I have made in my final adverts

  As many of the problems related to my TV adverts were issues that could easily be resolved from the feedback that had been given to me pri...